MOCA Managing Director and head of strategy

Alessandro Sorbello: Pioneering Leadership in the Cannabis Industry

Alessandro Sorbello, the Managing Director of Medicinal Organic Cannabis Australia (MOCA)

Alessandro Sorbello: Pioneering Leadership in the Cannabis Industry

In the ever-evolving landscape of the cannabis industry, visionary leaders play a pivotal role in driving innovation, research, and global collaboration. One such trailblazer is Alessandro Sorbello, the Managing Director of Medicinal Organic Cannabis Australia (MOCA) and a senior strategist and consultant at With a remarkable journey spanning international borders and an impact on the field of cannabis research and consumer behaviour, Sorbello's leadership is nothing short of inspirational.

The Early Years

Alessandro Sorbello's journey into the cannabis industry began with a profound commitment to understanding consumer behavior. Armed with a deep understanding of emotional engagement and its influence on consumer choices, Sorbello embarked on a mission to leverage these insights to drive positive change.

A Decade of Diplomacy

From 2007 to 2017, Sorbello played a crucial role in building trade relations between Italy and Australia. His work as a strategist and consultant caught the attention of the Italian Government, earning him the prestigious title of Cavaliere. This recognition was a testament to his dedication to fostering international collaborations and trade partnerships.

Leadership at MOCA

Sorbello's journey took a transformative turn when he assumed the role of CEO at MOCA. Under his visionary leadership, MOCA has grown into a globally recognized organization in the field of medical cannabis. Sorbello's strategic approach to research collaborations has led to partnerships with renowned institutions and experts, pushing the boundaries of cannabis research and development.

Research and Innovation

Alessandro Sorbello's influence extends beyond leadership roles. He is an internationally award-winning researcher, celebrated for his groundbreaking work in developing methodologies that create emotional engagement to drive consumer behaviour. These insights have been instrumental in shaping the cannabis industry's approach to marketing and consumer interaction.

A Visionary for the Future

As the cannabis industry continues to evolve and expand, visionary leaders like Alessandro Sorbello remain at the forefront, shaping the path forward. Their dedication to research, innovation, and global collaboration paves the way for a future where cannabis-based treatments and products can offer a better quality of life to countless individuals.

Alessandro Sorbello's remarkable journey from understanding consumer behaviour to becoming a Cavaliere for his diplomatic contributions reflects his unwavering commitment to driving positive change. His leadership at MOCA and pioneering research in emotional engagement continue to leave an indelible mark on the cannabis industry, offering hope and opportunity for the future.