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Cannabis Stocks Soar More Than 130% in Australia

Shares of companies involved in the cultivation, production and research of medicinal marijuana have on average soared more than 130 percent in Sydney this year. That’s six times higher than their peers in the U.S. and Canada. The surge was sparked by Australia easing restrictions on imports of cannabis to treat illnesses from epilepsy to cancer.

High hopes for medical cannabis

EXPERTS from Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Germany, Netherlands and Canada gathered in Sydney last week for a three-day forum to discuss the regulation and administration of medical cannabis. “Medical cannabis was one of the things that we discussed in Israel,” O’Kane told The AJN. “We were developing our work on it here at that time, and we were very interested to learn that Israel was completely revamping its system.” 

Medicinal cannabis legalisation can reduce opioid deaths, comedian Wil Anderson says

Comedian Wil Anderson has spoken about using medicinal cannabis on a regular basis as a remedy for osteoporosis that he has been suffering from for years. He emphasized that the product, should it be legalized in Australia, could save lives. Speaking as a guest on The Project on Tuesday, the comedian said he hoped the country would legalize the drug soon. “Three million people have chronic pain in this country and it’s a thing where they normally will diagnose you open opioids, and there’s this amazing opioid addiction as a result,” he said.

 Medical Cannabis in Western Australia

In November 2016, the status of cannabis on a federal level went from being a ‘prohibited substance’, to a ‘controlled substance’. This has been a game changer in the medical cannabis movement for Australia. We sit down to find out about the current status of medical cannabis supply and production on a state level. Professor Marco Falasca of Curtin University discusses his research in cancer treatments and outlines how our domestic clinical trials are taking us forwards.